
/** Comparison modes for two ranges. When comparing two ranges, you can compare any combination of
 * range starts and ends. The enumeration is setup as a bitset, so you can identify which of a/b is
 * start/end:
 * - bits 0 (LSb) and 1 indicate `a` and `b` respectively
 * - a value of `0` or `1` indicates `start` or `end` of range respectively
 * @readonly
 * @enum
const ComparisonModes = {
	/** Comparing the starts of two ranges
	 * @type {0b00}
	START: 0b00,
	/** Comparing the ends of two ranges
	 * @type {0b11}
	END: 0b11,
	/** Comparing the start (`a`) to the end (`b`) of a single range
	 * @type {0b10}
	START_END: 0b10,
	/** Comparing the end (`a`) to the start (`b`) of two ranges. This compares the gap between two
	 * ranges. If the range type supports merging adjacent ranges, it should return `-0` (negative
	 * zero) if `a` comes before `b` but the gap is zero.
	 * @type {0b01}
	END_START: 0b01

/** Internal state class used in {@link RangeGroup#diff}
 * @private
class DiffState{
	/** Create new state object
	 * @param {RangeGroup} group initial value for {@link DiffState#group}
		/** Source group
		 * @type {RangeGroup}
		this.group = group;
		/** Current iterating index into group's ranges list */
		this.idx = 0;
		/** Change in idx due to in-place modifications to group's ranges */
		this.idx_delta = 0;
		/** Reference to current range in iteration; undefined if we have reached the end of the list
		 * @type {?Range}
		this.cur = group.ranges[0];
	/** How many ranges still need to be iterated */
		return this.group.ranges.length-this.idx;
	/** Update state to next (or subsequent) value in range array
	 * @returns {boolean} whether there was another range
		this.idx += count
		this.cur = this.group.ranges[this.idx];
		return this.cur !== undefined;
	/** Set range source index to be that of `cur` */
		return this.idx - this.idx_delta;

/** A {@link RangeGroup} holds a list of contiguous ranges, allowing you to perform efficient
 * set operations on them. Create a new `RangeGroup` like so:
 * ```js
 * // Optionally set a default type first
 * RangeGroup.default_type = IntType
 * // Supply a preconstructed Range object
 * new RangeGroup([{start:0, end:5}])
 * // Arguments to construct ranges
 * new RangeGroup([[0,5]])
 * // You can also pass a single Range, rather than a list
 * new RangeGroup({start:0, end:5})
 * // Arguments to construct a range
 * new RangeGroup([0,5])
 * // However the following would not be allowed, as they're interpreted as a list of Ranges
 * new RangeGroup([new Date(),5]) // bad!
 * new RangeGroup([["array","arg"],5]) // bad!
 * ```
 * A `RangeGroup` must be in *normalized* form before you perform any other operations on it. This
 * means its list of ranges are sorted ({@link RangeGroup#sort}) and non-intersecting
 * ({@link RangeGroup#selfUnion}). To make it normalized, call {@link RangeGroup#normalize}, or pass
 * `normalize=true` option for your newly constructed `RangeGroup`. For efficiency, this is not done
 * automatically, as typical inputs are already "pre-normalized". Whenever you modify
 * {@link RangeGroup#ranges} manually, you need to make sure you normalize again (if needed) before
 * calling other methods.
class RangeGroup{
	/** A decent value, as identified by benchmarks/interpolation_cutoff.mjs, for switching from
	 * interpolation to linear search inside diff
	 * @private
	/** Default type to be used if none is provided in the constructor of {@link RangeGroup}
	 * @type {RangeType}
	 * @memberof RangeGroup
	 * @static
	static default_type;

	/** Options to pass to the constructor of {@link RangeGroup}
	 * @typedef {object} RangeGroup~CreateOptions
	 * @property {?RangeType} [type=null] Range type to be used with this group; if null, it uses
	 * 	{@link RangeGroup.default_type}
	 * @property {boolean} [normalize=false] whether to call {@link RangeGroup#normalize} after
	 * 	construction

	/** Arguments defining a RangeGroup. A falsey value initializes an empty RangeGroup. Otherwise,
	 * this should be an array containing ranges for the group; each range can be a preconstructed
	 * {@link Range} or an array of arguments to construct one. Any {@link Range} will be reused,
	 * while the containing array is copied.
	 * **Caution:** Since a {@link Range} will be reused, auto-normalizing types like
	 * {@link IntNormType} are going to assume the ranges are already normalized to be inclusive.
	 * You can pass arguments to construct a new {@link Range} to construct an auto-normalized range
	 * instead.
	 * For convenience, you can also pass just a single preconstructed range. You can pass a single
 	 * array of arguments to construct a range as well, but only if the first argument is not an
 	 * object (as identified by `typeof`).
	 * @typedef {any} RangeGroup~Definition

	/** Create a new RangeGroup
	 * @param {RangeGroup~Definition} ranges Initial set of ranges for this group
	 * @param {?RangeGroup~CreateOptions} options Options for creation
	constructor(ranges, {type=null, normalize=false}={}){
		/** Range type to use for this group
		 * @type {RangeType}
		this.type = type || RangeGroup.default_type;
		// in case no default type was specified
		if (!this.type)
			throw Error("RangeGroup.default_type has not been set");
		/** Internal list of ranges
		 * @type {Range[]}

		// single Range
		if (!Array.isArray(ranges)){
			if (ranges)
				this.ranges = [ranges];
			else this.ranges = [];
		else if (ranges.length){
			const first = ranges[0];
			if (typeof first === "object"){
				// arguments for a list of ranges
				if (Array.isArray(first))
					this.ranges = ranges.map(v => this.type.create(...v));
				// list of Range; copy containing array
				else this.ranges = Array.from(ranges);
			// arguments for single range
			else this.ranges = [this.type.create(...ranges)];
		// copy, in case the array was passed to multiple RangeGroup constructors
		else this.ranges = [];
		if (normalize)

	/** Converts {@link RangeGroup~Definition} to a {@link RangeGroup}
	 * @param {RangeGroup | RangeGroup~Definition} other
	 * @returns {RangeGroup}
	 * @private
		if (!(other instanceof RangeGroup))
			other = new RangeGroup(other, {type:this.type});
		return other;

	/** Perform comparison between two ranges
	 * @private
	 * @param {ComparisonModes} mode
	 * @param {Range} a
	 * @param {?Range} b optional, uses a if not provided
	 * @returns {{distance:number, side:number}}
	#compare(mode, a, b){
		if (b === undefined)
			b = a;
		switch (mode){
			case ComparisonModes.START:
				return this.type.compare(mode, a.start, b.start, a.startExcl, b.startExcl);
			case ComparisonModes.END:
				return this.type.compare(mode, a.end, b.end, a.endExcl, b.endExcl);
			case ComparisonModes.START_END:
				return this.type.compare(mode, a.start, b.end, a.startExcl, b.endExcl);
				return this.type.compare(mode, a.end, b.start, a.endExcl, b.startExcl);

	/** Make a deep copy of this range group. This calls {@link RangeType.copy} internally.
	 * @returns {RangeGroup}
		const c = new RangeGroup([], {type:this.type});
		c.ranges = this.ranges.map(this.type.copy);
		return c;
	/** Puts the range group into a normalized form, where ranges are sorted and self intersections
	 * have been removed. This calls {@link RangeGroup#sort} and {@link RangeGroup#selfUnion}
	 * @returns {RangeGroup} modified `this`
		return this.sort().selfUnion();
	/** Performs an in-place sort of ranges in the group. Ranges are ordered by their start
	 * @returns {RangeGroup} modified `this`
		// could sort by end as well, giving O(n*log(n)) extra comparisons; however it doesn't help
		// make `self_union` more efficient, as you'd need an additional O(n) comparisons there to
		// handle start equality case
		this.ranges.sort((a, b) => this.#compare(ComparisonModes.START, a, b).side);
		return this;

	/** Used for a few different methods to filter {@link RangeGroup#ranges}
	 * @callback RangeGroup~Filter
	 * @param {Range} range the range to check whether it should be included
	 * @returns {boolean} whether the range should be included

	/** Options to customize {@link RangeGroup#selfUnion} behavior.
	 * @typedef {object} RangeGroup~SelfUnionOptions
	 * @prop {RangeGroup~Filter} [filter=null] Filter function to apply to each range
	 * 	before unioning. This is useful for filtering by {@link Range#a} or {@link Range#b} nullity,
	 * 	as returned by {@link RangeGroup#diff}.
	 * @prop {boolean} [bool=false] If `true`, a boolean is returned from the method instead,
	 *  indicating whether any resulting ranges would be output. See {@link RangeGroup#hasSelfUnion}
	 * @prop {boolean} [copy=false] If `true`, a self-unioned copy is returned, rather than
	 *  performing the modification in-place. See {@link RangeGroup#toSelfUnioned}

	/** Union of individual ranges within this range group (e.g. remove self-intersections). This
	 * will remove empty ranges, where the start is after (and not equal) the end.
	 * @param {RangeGroup~SelfUnionOptions} options alters the self union behavior to accomodate a
	 *  few different, common operations
	 * @returns {RangeGroup | boolean} By default, modified `this`. If `copy` flag was set, it will
	 *  return a modified copy instead. If `bool` flag was set, it will return true/false, whether
	 *  the result would have been non-empty
	selfUnion({filter=null, bool=false, copy=false}={}){
		const out = copy ? this.toCleared() : this;
		let splice_buffer = null;
		let prev = null;
		for (let i = 0; i<this.ranges.length; i++){
			const cur = this.ranges[i];
			// keep if passes filter and nonempty
			if ((!filter || filter(cur)) && this.#compare(ComparisonModes.START_END, cur).side <= 0){
				if (bool)
					return true;
				// merge with previous?
				if (prev && this.#compare(ComparisonModes.END_START, prev, cur).distance >= 0){
					// take the greater end
					if (this.#compare(ComparisonModes.END, prev, cur).side < 0)
						this.type.setEnd(prev, cur.end, cur.endExcl);
					// fallthrough to discard
					if (copy){
						prev = this.type.copy(cur);
						prev = cur;
						if (splice_buffer){
							i -= splice_buffer[1];
							splice_buffer = null;
			// discard this range
			if (!copy && !bool){
				if (splice_buffer)
				else splice_buffer = [i,1];
		if (bool)
			return false;
		if (splice_buffer)
		return out;

	/** Options for calculating diff between two range groups. For use with {@link RangeGroup#diff}
	 * @typedef {object} RangeGroup~DiffOptions
	 * @property {object<string, boolean> | number | false} [filter=false] Specifies what diff
	 *  operations you want to include in the results. Indicate which parts, `a`, `b`, or `ab` to
	 *  include using an object of boolean flags, e.g. `{ab:true, b:true}`. Alternatively, specify a
	 *  bit set of flags, where bits 0 (LSb), 1, and 2 correspond to `a`, `b`, and `ab`
	 *  respectively; e.g. `0b111`.
	 *  Setting this to a falsey value (the default) will return all results, e.g.
	 * `{a:true, b:true, ab:true}` or `0b111`;
	 * @property {boolean} [bool=false] Just return true/false whether or not the filtered output would
	 *  be non-empty; when `true`, all remaining options are ignored
	 * @property {boolean} [copy=true] If true, returns the diff results separately, rather than
	 * 	modifying `this` in-place
	 * @property {boolean} [track_sources=false] In the diff output, track where the range came from
	 *  with the keys {@link Range#a} and {@link Range#b}, with values equaling the index into
	 *  `this`/`other` respectively that the range came from. A value of null indicates the range
	 *  was not present in that source. Filtering by nullity can give you the various set operations
	 *  like union or intersection.
	 * @property {boolean} [self_union=true] Merges adjacent ranges, in the same manner as
	 *  {@link RangeGroup#selfUnion}, but using an inline calculation. Use this if you don't care
	 *  about tracking the specific diff sources/operations, and just want to get the result of the
	 *  set operationon output. The `track_sources` option is disabled if this is true.

	/** Compute the differences between this and another {@link RangeGroup}. For diff results,
	 * `this` and `other` are referred to as `a` and `b` respectively. There are three different
	 * *operations*, denoted `a`, `b`, and `ab`. They can be understood as:
	 * - **a**: values present in `a` but not `b`; set difference "a - b"; deletions from `other`
	 * - **b**: values present in `b` but not `a`; set difference "b - a"; insertions into `other`
	 * - **ab**: values present in both `a` and `b`; set intersection "a ∩ b"
	 * Filtering by the various diff operations can give you set operations like union, intersection,
	 * difference, and symmetric difference (see `filter` param). This method is used to implement
	 * nearly all the other operations on {@link RangeGroup}.
	 * The default `options` will compute set operations. For a more traditional "diff" behavior,
	 * use options: `{copy:true, track_sources:true, self_union:false}`. This gives you the full
	 * differences between the two groups, telling you which parts came from `a` or `b`. You can
	 * reuse this result multiple times to get set operations, simply by filterering for
	 * {@link Range#a} and/or {@link Range#b}. See {@link RangeGroup#filter} and its variants, or
	 * the `filter` option of {@link RangeGroup#selfUnion} adn its variants.
	 * @param {RangeGroup | RangeGroup~Definition} other The group to diff against
	 * @param {?RangeGroup~DiffOptions} options Options to customize the diff behavior
	 * @returns {RangeGroup | boolean} Contains the diff result range group, which may equal
	 * `this` if `copy` was false. If `bool` was true, a boolean value is instead returned
	 * indicating whether that range group would have been non-empty.
	diff(other, {filter=false, bool=false, copy=false, track_sources=false, self_union=true}={}){
		/* For diff algorithm comments and design, see diff_algorithm.txt. The actual algorithm is
			not really too complicated, but the logic to handle all the different options ends up
			making it so. The most tricky parts are copy = false (doing in-place modifications to
			this.ranges) and self_union = true (merging adjacent ranges as we go). Integrating
			binary/interpolation search also ends up making it more complicated.
		// 001 = a, 010 = b, 100 = ab;
		if (!filter)
			filter = 0b111;
			if (typeof filter !== "number")
				filter = (filter.ab << 2) | (filter.b << 1) | filter.a;
			if (filter & ~0b111)
				throw Error("filter bits out of range");
		other = this.#convert(other);
		// uncommon case, but can cause problems with !copy logic since it assumes a/b are different
		// arrays; can just optimize this case; a/b will be empty, only ab will be present
		if (this.ranges === other.ranges){
			const ab = !!(filter & 0b100);
			if (bool)
				return ab;
			if (ab){
				const out = copy ? this.copy(true) : this;
				if (track_sources){
					for (let i=0; i<out.ranges.length; i++){
						const r = out.ranges[i];
						r.a = r.b = i;
				return out;
			return copy ? this.toCleared() : this.clear();
		if (self_union)
			track_sources = false;

		// iterator for a/b's ranges
		const out = copy && !bool ? this.toCleared() : this;
		const a = new DiffState(this);
		const b = new DiffState(other);
		/** Used to implement logic independent of a/b, where we can fetch one or the other with an
		 * integer: is_b and is_b^1
		const state = [a,b];

		/** Indicates partial range that we are building/extending/merging
		 * @type {?{start, startExcl, a, b}}
		let extend = null;
		/** Comparison `side` between a/b range starts
		 * @type {number}
		let start_compare;
		/** 0/1 index into `state`, indicating whether a/b has the minimum start (equal start = a)
		 * @type {number}
		let min = null;
		/** Arguments to pass to `a.arr.splice`, for in-place modifications. We buffer the
		 * modifications to reduce the number of splice calls
		 * @type {?Array}
		let splice_buffer = null;

		/** Flush the current splice buffer */
		const flush = () => {
			const change = splice_buffer.length-2-splice_buffer[1];
			a.idx += change;
			a.idx_delta += change; // cumulative delta
			splice_buffer = null;
		/** Remove `count` ranges from A; only remove A when A will get incremented (e.g. to avoid
		 * double removes, its responsibility of incrementer to remove)
		function remove(count=1){
			if (copy)
			// in-place removal;
			if (splice_buffer){
				// extend current splice operation?
				if (splice_buffer[0]+splice_buffer[1] === a.idx){
					splice_buffer[1] += count;
			splice_buffer = [a.idx, count];
		/** Add a newly created range */
		function add(range){
			extend = null;
			if (copy){
			// in-place insertion
			if (splice_buffer){
				// >=, since we might call remove+add for same index
				if (splice_buffer[0]+splice_buffer[1] >= a.idx){
			splice_buffer = [a.idx, 0, range];
		/** Copy the range if needed, and add
		 * @param {number} mask first bit used as `is_b` boolean; otherwise mask forwarded to set_sources
		const copy_add = (state, mask) => {
			let range = state.cur;
			if (copy || mask & 0b1){
				range = this.type.copy(range);
			if (track_sources)
				set_sources(range, mask);
		/** Copy a sequence of ranges if needed, and add
		 * @param {number} count how many to be added
		 * @param {number} is_b
		 * @returns {boolean} whether sequence has any more ranges left
		const copy_add_many = (count, is_b) => {
			const src = state[is_b];
			let target = null;
			if (copy)
				target = out.ranges;
			else if (is_b){
				// prepare splice_buffer as target when pushing copies of b to a
				prepare: {
					if (splice_buffer){
						if (splice_buffer[0]+splice_buffer[1] === a.idx)
							break prepare;
					splice_buffer = [a.idx, 0];
				target = splice_buffer;
			// need to copy or add sources?
			if (target || track_sources){
				do {
					let o = src.cur;
					if (target){
						o = this.type.copy(o);
					if (track_sources)
						set_sources(o, is_b);
					if (!src.inc())
						return false;
				} while (--count);
				return true;
			// in-place accept count values of a
			return src.inc(count);
		/** Mark the end of the min range, e.g. no more intersections possible
		 * @param {number} mask first bit used as `is_b` boolean; otherwise mask forwarded to set_sources
		const range_end = (mask) => {
			const is_b = mask & 0b1
			const end = state[is_b];
			// aggregate range, or range with trimmed start
			if (extend){
				this.type.setEnd(extend, end.cur.end, end.cur.endExcl);
				if (track_sources)
					set_sources(extend, mask);
				// old is replaced by the extend copy
				if (!is_b)
			// unmodified range
				copy_add(end, mask);
		/** Labels for setting sources */
		const labels = "ab";
		/** Set sources for a range
		 * @param {Range} range
		 * @param {number} mask 0/1 to set a/b respectively, with the other as null; 2 to set 
		 * 	both a and b
		function set_sources(range, mask){
			if (mask === 2){
				range.a = a.get_source();
				range.b = b.get_source();
				range[labels.charAt(mask)] = state[mask].get_source();
				range[labels.charAt(mask^1)] = null;

		if (a.cur && b.cur){
			/** Whether to merge adjacent ranges with zero gap between them
			 * @type {boolean}
			const merge_empty = self_union && (filter & 0b11) == 0b11;
			while (true){
				no_intersection: {
					/** Whether there's an empty gap between ranges
					 * @type {boolean}
					let empty;
					check_intersection: {
						// see which of a/b comes before
						if (min === null){
							const remaining = [a.remaining(), b.remaining()];
							const long = +(remaining[1] >= remaining[0]);
							// interpolation/binary search
							if (remaining[long] > RangeGroup.INTERPOLATION_CUTOFF){
								const l = state[long];
								const s = state[long^1];
								const o = l.group.search(s.cur.start, {excl:s.cur.startExcl, first:l.idx});

								empty = merge_empty && !o.has && o.end && !o.end.distance;
								const trim_up_to = o.index - empty;
								if (trim_up_to != l.idx){
									// will break if o.start is null, e.g. no possible intersections
									const count = trim_up_to-l.idx;
									let remaining;
									// add non-intersecting ranges
									if ((1 << long) & filter){
										if (bool)
											return true;
										remaining = copy_add_many(count, long);
									// discard non-intersecting ranges
										if (!bool && !long)
										remaining = l.inc(count);
									if (!remaining)

								// merge with previous due to empty gap
								if (empty){
									min = long;
									start_compare = min ? -1 : 1;
									break check_intersection;

								start_compare = o.start.side;
								// if search element was from b, reverse the comparison so its in reference to a
								if (!long)
									start_compare = -start_compare;
								min = Math.max(0,start_compare);
								// check for intersection still needed if range start didn't intersect itself
								if (o.has)
									break no_intersection;
							// linear search
								start_compare = this.#compare(ComparisonModes.START, a.cur, b.cur).side;
								min = Math.max(0,start_compare);
								if (!start_compare)
									break no_intersection;
						// check for intersection
						const middle_compare = this.#compare(ComparisonModes.END_START, state[min].cur, state[min^1].cur);
						if (middle_compare.side >= 0)
							break no_intersection;
						empty = !middle_compare.distance;
					// no intersection, possibly with empty gap between the ranges					
					const end = state[min];
					// merge adjacent ranges with no gap
					if (empty && merge_empty){
						// both a/b unfiltered
						if (bool)
							return true;
						if (!extend)
							extend = this.type.setStart(this.type.create(), end.cur.start, end.cur.startExcl);
						if (!min)
					else if ((1 << min) & filter){
						if (bool)
							return true;
					else if (!bool && !min)
					if (!end.inc())
					if (empty){
						start_compare = -start_compare;
						min ^= 0b1;
					else min = null;

				// Intersection
				/** Catches the conditions where we can simply reuse a for the intersection:
				 * 		self_union && a/-b/empty|ab|a/-b/empty
				 * 		!self_union && -b/empty|ab|-b/empty
				 *	Summarized, we check:
				*		- ab not filtered
				*		- a (!min/!max) isn't getting filtered
				*		- no b is included, and additional no a if !self_union
				* @type {boolean}
				let skip = filter & 0b100;
				/** Which segments are nonempty and filtered in? Bitset form: 0bzyx
				 * @type {number}
				let fmask = skip >> 1;
				if (bool && fmask)
					return true;

				if (start_compare){
					// include start?
					if ((1 << min) & filter){
						if (bool)
							return true;
						fmask |= 0b1;
						if (!self_union || min)
							skip = false;
					else if (!min)
						skip = false;

				/** Comparison `side` between a/b range ends
				 * @type {number}
				const end_compare = this.#compare(ComparisonModes.END, a.cur, b.cur).side;
				/** 0/1 index into `state`, indicating whether a/b has the maximum end (equal end = a)
				 * @type {number}
				const max = Math.max(0,-end_compare);
				if (end_compare){
					// include end?
					if ((1 << max) & filter){
						if (bool)
							return true
						fmask |= 0b100;
						if (!self_union || max)
							skip = false;
					else if (!max)
						skip = false;

				if (!skip){
					if (fmask){
						let base;
						/** Gets start of this segment and write to `base`, where start data could come from
						 * a previous segment when merging/extending
						 * @param {number} bit mask for which segment (x/y) this is
						 * @returns {boolean} whether segment should be emitted; false could mean we are
						 * 	merging/extending with the next segment, or this segment is filtered out
						const xy_segment = (bit) => {
							const smask = 1 << bit;
							// this segment is ignored; guaranteed we won't ignore if extend is set
							if (!(fmask & smask))
								return false;
							const merge_next = self_union && fmask & (smask << 1);
							base = extend;
							if (!base){
								// get x or y's start
								const start_idx = min ^ bit;
								const start = state[start_idx].cur;
								base = this.type.setStart(this.type.create(), start.start, start.startExcl);
								// merge with next segment?
								if (merge_next){
									extend = base;
									return false;
							// merging with previous segment; also merge with next segment?
							else if (merge_next)
								return false;
							return true;
						// x segment (disjoint start)
						if (xy_segment(0)){
							const end = state[min^1].cur;
							this.type.setEnd(base, end.start, !end.startExcl);
							if (track_sources)
								set_sources(base, min);
						// y segment (intersection)
						if (xy_segment(1)){
							const end = state[max^1].cur;
							this.type.setEnd(base, end.end, end.endExcl);
							if (track_sources)
								set_sources(base, 2);
						// z segment (disjoint end)
						// we never emit here, since its possible there's intersections with subsequent ranges
						if (fmask & 0b100 && !extend){
							const start = state[max^1].cur;
							extend = this.type.setStart(this.type.create(), start.end, !start.endExcl);
							if (track_sources)
								set_sources(extend, max);
					if (!bool && (!end_compare || max))
				// Catch the case where result is simply a, unmodified
				else if (end_compare <= 0){
					// bit zero used for is_b; otherwise, passed to set_sources
					// track_sources needs to set a source for both a and b
					range_end(self_union ? 0 : 2);
				// max becomes min for next iter; increment the other range
				if (end_compare){
					if (!state[max^1].inc())
					start_compare = -end_compare;
					min = max;
				// no z segment (disjoint end); increment both
					const a_end = a.inc();
					if (!b.inc() || !a_end)
					min = null;
		// excess remainder
		handle_excess: if (a.cur || b.cur){
			min = b.cur ? 1 : 0;
			const incl = !!(filter & (1 << min));
			if (bool)
				return incl;
			if (incl){
				if (extend){
					if (!state[min].inc())
						break handle_excess;
				copy_add_many(Infinity, min);
			// remove remaining from a
			else if (!min)
		if (bool)
			return false;
		if (splice_buffer)
		return out;

	/** Options to customize search in {@link RangeGroup#search}
	 * @typedef {object} RangeGroup~SearchOptions
	 * @prop {boolean} [excl=false] Whether `element` should be treated like an exclusive bound of
	 *  a range. This allows you to search for range boundaries, in addition to regular elements.
	 * @prop {boolean} [end=false] When `excl` is true, whether `element` should be treated as an
	 *  exclusive start (`false`) or end (`true`) range boundary
	 * @prop {number} [first=0] Inclusive lower bound into {@link RangeGroup#ranges} for the
	 *  search. If less than zero, zero is used.
	 * @prop {number} [last=-1] Inclusive upper bound into {@link RangeGroup#ranges} for the
	 *  search. A negative value counts from the end, clamping to zero, e.g. `-1` is equivalent to
	 *  `this.ranges.length-1`. A positive value counts from the start, clamping to the last
	 *  element.

	/** Output of {@link RangeGroup#search}
	 * @typedef {object} RangeGroup~SearchResult
	 * @prop {number} index Lower bound index; e.g. the position where `element` could be inserted
	 *  to keep ranges sorted, or the range that contains `element`
	 * @prop {boolean} has Whether the range at `index` contains the element
	 * @prop {?RangeType~CompareResult} start Comparison with the {@link Range#start} from `index`.
	 * 	This will be null if the search bounds (as given by first/last) were empty, or `index` is
	 * 	beyond the last range (never when `has=true`). Comparison is made with `element` as `a`
	 * @prop {?RangeType~CompareResult} end Comparison with the bounding {@link Range#end}.
	 *  Comparison is made with `element` as `a`. The range end came from depends on whether a match
	 *  was found or not:
	 * - `has=true`: The end from `index`. Will be null if `start` equaled the `element`, in which
	 * 	 case the end comparison was skipped. You can manually compare the end if its needed.
	 * - `has=false`: The end from `index-1`. Will be null if this is outside the search bounds
	 * 	 (as given by first/last), including when the search bounds are empty.

	/** Find the position in {@link RangeGroup#ranges} where `element` could be inserted to
	 * maintain a sorted array. If the element belongs to a range already, then the index to
	 * that range would be returned, with `has` flag set. In other words, the index is the *lower
	 * bound*: the first position that does not come before `element`.
	 * The search output provides useful comparison information that was used to find the location.
	 * For a simple boolean output, you may wish to use {@link RangeGroup#has} instead.
	 * @param {any} element the element to search for
	 * @param {?RangeGroup~SearchOptions} options customizes the options
	 * @returns {RangeGroup~SearchResult}
	search(element, {excl=false, end=false, first=0, last=-1}={}){
		// fix bounds
		const l = this.ranges.length;
		if (first < 0)
			first = 0;
		if (last < 0)
			last = Math.max(-1,l+last);
		else if (last >= l)
			last = l-1;		
		if (first > last)
			return {index:last+1, has:false, start:null, end:null};
		end = +end;

		/* Find bounds, such that element is inside range [first.start, last.start);
			We'll search for start bound first, rather than blending start+end comparisons together,
			as it ends up reducing the number of compares per iteration when trying to do
			interpolation search.
		let fcompare;
		let lcompare = null;
		find_start: {
			/** Compare `element` (a) to `obj.start` (b) */
			const compare_start = (obj) => this.type.compare(end, element, obj.start, excl, obj.startExcl);

			fcompare = compare_start(this.ranges[first]);
			if (fcompare.side < 0)
				return {index:first, has:false, start:fcompare, end:null};
			if (first === last){
				break find_start;
			if (!fcompare.side)
				break find_start;
			lcompare = compare_start(this.ranges[last]);
			if (lcompare.side >= 0){
				first = last++;
				fcompare = lcompare;
				lcompare = null;
				break find_start;
			while (first+1 < last){
				// Inside (first.start, last.start)
				/* Get estimated index where a match would be found. We are using interpolation search.
					We are dealing with ranges not single points, so it is slightly different. Assume
					evenly distributed ranges, meaning gaps are always the same.
					- zero gap: floor(t*(last-first) + first) will be inside the correct range; want
						to clamp between [first+1, last-1] however, since those are the range starts
						that have not been compared yet
					- maximal gap: round(t*(last-first) + first) will give closest range; you'll want
						to clamp again here
					Floor will be accurate for zero gap + 50% of maximal gap, so let's go with that

					Distance for discrete values is going to be off by one, since we're specifying
					distance as number of elements between. Where `width` is small and that becomes
					significant, the partition index will also be off by one. I'm gonna say that's
					acceptable, since you still get O(loglogn) complexity.
				let middle;
				const ld = -lcompare.distance;
				// clamp to last-1; fcompare could also be zero, but then we're equally close
				// theoretically, so doesn't make a difference which we choose
				partition: {
					if (!ld)
						middle = last-1;
						const fd = fcompare.distance;
						if (fd !== ld){
							// Assuming normalized, lcompare < 0 && fcompare >= 0; so width > 0
							const width = fd+ld;
							if (isFinite(width)){
								// this can also handle binary search (t=0.5), but we'll do optimized path for that
								const t = fd/width;
								middle = first + Math.max(1, Math.floor(t*(last-first)));
								break partition;
						/* Fallback to binary search in cases:
							- one of the bounds is +/-infinity
							Since first+1 < last, it will be naturally within bounds [first+1, last-1]
						middle = (first+last) >> 1;
				const mcompare = compare_start(this.ranges[middle]);
				// inside (middle.start, last.start)
				if (mcompare.side >= 0){
					first = middle;
					fcompare = mcompare;
					if (!fcompare.side)
						break find_start;
				// inside (first.start, middle.start)
				else if (mcompare.side < 0){
					last = middle;
					lcompare = mcompare;

		// equals first.start
		if (!fcompare.side)
			return {index:first, has:true, start:fcompare, end:null};
		const fel = this.ranges[first];
		const ecompare = this.type.compare(end | 0b10, element, fel.end, excl, fel.endExcl);
		// inside (first.end, last.start)
		if (ecompare.side > 0)
			return {index:last, has:false, start:lcompare, end:ecompare};
		// inside (first.start, first.end]
		return {index:first, has:true, start:fcompare, end:ecompare};
	/** Test whether an element is contained in this group. This uses {@link RangeGroup#search}
	 * internally, returning the `has` result.
	 * @param {...any} args arguments are the same as {@link RangeGroup#search}
	 * @returns {boolean}
		return this.search(...args).has;

	/** Generator for values within the range group. This calls {@link RangeType.iterate}
	 * internally.
	 * @param {?boolean} reverse iterate ranges forward or backward; forward indicates the first
	 *  value will give a negative comparison against any subsequent values
	 * @param {...any} args arguments to forward to the RangeType's iterator
	 * @yields {any} values from the range
	*iterate(reverse=false, ...args){
		let i, end, inc;
		if (reverse){
			i = this.ranges.length - 1;
			end = inc = -1;
			i = 0;
			end = this.ranges.length;
			inc = 1;
		for (; i != end; i += inc){
			const r = this.ranges[i];
			yield* this.type.iterate(r, reverse, ...args);
	/** Iterator interface, allowing use with things like for-of loops or `Array.from`. To
	 * customize how the values are iterated, pass arguments to {@link RangeGroup#iterate} instead.
	 * @function
	 * @name RangeGroup#@@iterator
	 * @see RangeGroup#iterate
		return this.iterate();

	/** Compute the in-place set union between `this` and `other`: `a ∪ b`. This uses
	 * {@link RangeGroup#diff} internally
	 * @param {RangeGroup | RangeGroup~Definition} other
	 * @returns {RangeGroup} modified `this`
		return this.diff(other);
	/** Compute the in-place set intersection between `this` and `other`: `a ∩ b`. This uses
	 * {@link RangeGroup#diff} internally
	 * @param {RangeGroup | RangeGroup~Definition} other
	 * @returns {RangeGroup} modified `this`
		return this.diff(other, {filter:0b100});
	/** Compute the in-place set difference between `this` and `other`: `a - b`. This uses
	 * {@link RangeGroup#diff} internally
	 * @param {RangeGroup | RangeGroup~Definition} other
	 * @returns {RangeGroup} modified `this`
		return this.diff(other, {filter:0b1});
	/** Compute the in-place set symmetric difference between `this` and `other`: `a Δ b`. This uses
	 * {@link RangeGroup#diff} internally
	 * @param {RangeGroup | RangeGroup~Definition} other
	 * @returns {RangeGroup} modified `this`
		return this.diff(other, {filter:0b11});
	/** Remove all elements from this group
	 * @returns {RangeGroup} modified `this`
		this.ranges = [];
		return this;
	/** Filter the ranges. You might use this to filter by {@link Range#a} or {@link Range#b}
	 *  nullity, as returned by {@link RangeGroup#diff}
	 * @param {RangeGroup~Filter} predicate
	 * @returns {RangeGroup} modified `this`
		this.ranges = this.ranges.filter(predicate);
		return this;

	/** Same as {@link RangeGroup#selfUnion}, but returns a copy instead. This is as though
	 * the `copy` option were set to `true`
	 * @param {?RangeGroup~Filter} filter optional filter param, which is the same as the filter
	 *  that can be passed to {@link RangeGroup#selfUnion}
		return this.selfUnion({filter, copy:true});
	/** Same as {@link RangeGroup#union}, but returning a copy instead of modifying
	 * 	the range group in-place
	 * @param {RangeGroup | RangeGroup~Definition} other
	 * @returns {RangeGroup} new group containing the union
		return this.diff(other, {copy:true});
	/** Same as {@link RangeGroup#intersect}, but returning a copy instead of modifying
	 * 	the range group in-place
	 * @param {RangeGroup | RangeGroup~Definition} other
	 * @returns {RangeGroup} new group containing the intersection
		return this.diff(other, {filter:0b100, copy:true});
	/** Same as {@link RangeGroup#difference}, but returning a copy instead of modifying
	 * 	the range group in-place
	 * @param {RangeGroup | RangeGroup~Definition} other
	 * @returns {RangeGroup} new group containing the difference
		return this.diff(other, {filter:0b1, copy:true});
	/** Same as {@link RangeGroup#symmetricDifference}, but returning a copy instead of modifying
	 * 	the range group in-place
	 * @param {RangeGroup | RangeGroup~Definition} other
	 * @returns {RangeGroup} new group containing the symmetric difference
		return this.diff(other, {filter:0b11, copy:true});
	/** Same as {@link RangeGroup#clear}, but returns a copy that is cleared. This is functionally
	 * equivalent to creating a new range group with the same type
	 * @returns {RangeGroup}
		return new RangeGroup([], {type: this.type});
	/** Same as {@link RangeGroup#filter}, but returns a copy instead
	 * @param {RangeGroup~Filter} predicate
	 * @returns {RangeGroup} a filtered copy
		const copy = this.toCleared();
		copy.ranges = this.ranges.filter(predicate);
		return copy;

	/** Check if any ranges would remain after calling {@link RangeGroup#selfUnion}. This is as
	 * though the `bool` option were set to `true`
	 * @param {?RangeGroup~Filter} filter optional filter param, which is the same as the filter
	 *  that can be passed to {@link RangeGroup#selfUnion}
	 * @returns {boolean}
		return this.selfUnion({filter, bool:true});
	/** Check if a union of `this` and `other` would be non-empty: `a ∪ b`.
	 * @param {RangeGroup | RangeGroup~Definition} other
	 * @returns {boolean}
		// no need to use diff here, since result is trivial
		if (!this.isEmpty())
			return true;
		other = this.#convert(other);
		return !other.isEmpty();
	/** Check if `this` intersects with `other`: `a ∩ b`. This uses {@link RangeGroup#diff}
	 * internally
	 * @param {RangeGroup | RangeGroup~Definition} other
	 * @returns {boolean}
		return this.diff(other, {filter:0b100, bool:true});
	/** Check if `this` has values not present in `other`: `a - b`. This uses
	 * {@link RangeGroup#diff} internally
	 * @param {RangeGroup | RangeGroup~Definition} other
	 * @returns {boolean}
		return this.diff(other, {filter:0b1, bool:true});
	/** Check if `this` has values not present in `other`: `a - b`. This uses
	 * {@link RangeGroup#diff} internally
	 * @param {RangeGroup | RangeGroup~Definition} other
	 * @returns {boolean}
		other = this.#convert(other);
		// can do an optimized version here pretty easily
		const ar = this.ranges;
		const or = other.ranges;
		// we allow this here, since it will get used with isEqual
		if (ar === or)
			return false;
		if (ar.length !== or.length)
			return true;
		for (let i=0; i<ar.length; i++){
			const a = ar[i];
			const b = or[i];
			if (this.#compare(ComparisonModes.START, a, b).side || this.#compare(ComparisonModes.END, a, b).side)
				return true;
		return false;
	/** Check if any range matches the filter predicate
	 * @param {RangeGroup~Filter} predicate
	 * @returns {boolean}
		return this.ranges.some(predicate);

	/** Check if `this` and `other` range groups are equal, meaning they have identical elements:
	 * `a = b`. This uses {@link RangeGroup#hasSymmetricDifference} internally, returning its
	 * negated value
	 * @param {RangeGroup | RangeGroup~Definition} other
	 * @returns {boolean} true if equal
		return !this.hasSymmetricDifference(other);
	/** Check if this range group is empty, meaning there are no elements: `a = ∅`
	 * @returns {boolean} true if empty
		return !this.ranges.length;
	/** Check whether `this` is a subset of `other`, meaning all of its elements are also in
	 * `other`: `a ⊆ b`. This uses {@link RangeGroup#hasDifference} internally, returning its
	 * negated value
	 * @param {RangeGroup | RangeGroup~Definition} other
	 * @returns {boolean} true if a subset
		return !this.hasDifference(other);
	/** Check whether `this` is a proper/strict subset of `other`, meaning all of its elements are
	 * in `other`, but does not have all the elements of `other`: `a ⊂ b`. This uses two calls to
	 * {@link RangeGroup#hasDifference} internally
	 * @param {RangeGroup | RangeGroup~Definition} other
	 * @returns {boolean} true if a proper/strict subset
		/* TODO: this could be more efficient; essentially want to compute symmetric difference,
			where we return false immediately when we encounter an 'a'; and we keep a bool flag
			as we go whether or not we saw 'b'; bool flag gets returned if we get to the end
		return !this.hasDifference(other) && other.hasDifference(this);
	/** Check whether `this` is a superset of `other`, meaning all `other` elements are also in
	 * `this`: `a ⊇ b`. This is equivalent to `other.isSubset(this)`
	 * @see RangeGroup#isSubset
	 * @param {RangeGroup | RangeGroup~Definition} other
	 * @returns {boolean} true if a superset
		return other.isSubset(this);
	/** Check whether `this` is a proper/strict superset of `other`, meaning all `other` elements are also in
	 * `this`: `a ⊃ b`. This is equivalent to `other.isProperSubset(this)`
	 * @see RangeGroup#isProperSubset
	 * @param {RangeGroup | RangeGroup~Definition} other
	 * @returns {boolean} true if a proper/strict superset
		return other.isProperSubset(this);

	/** Get the total number of elements held by this group. This dynamically sums up the size of
	 * each range in the group, so it is not a constant-time operation. This calls
	 * {@link RangeType.size} internally.
	 * If you wish to see how many contiguous ranges there are, get the length of
	 * {@link RangeGroup#ranges} instead.
	 * @returns {number}
		let s = 0;
		for (const r of this.ranges)
			s += this.type.size(r);
		return s;
// Method aliases -------------------------------------
const aliases = {
	add: "union",
	subtract: "difference",
	delete: "difference",
	isStrictSubset: "isProperSubset",
	isStrictSuperset: "isProperSuperset",
	cardinality: "size",
	contains: "has",
for (const alias in aliases)
	RangeGroup.prototype[alias] = RangeGroup.prototype[aliases[alias]];

/** An alias for {@link RangeGroup#union}
 * @name RangeGroup#add
 * @function 
/** An alias for {@link RangeGroup#difference}
 * @name RangeGroup#delete
 * @function 
/** An alias for {@link RangeGroup#difference}
 * @name RangeGroup#subtract
 * @function 
/** An alias for {@link RangeGroup#isProperSubset}
 * @name RangeGroup#isStrictSubset
 * @function 
/** An alias for {@link RangeGroup#isProperSuperset}
 * @name RangeGroup#isStrictSuperset
 * @function 
/** An alias for {@link RangeGroup#size}
 * @name RangeGroup#cardinality
 * @function 
/** An alias for {@link RangeGroup#has}
 * @name RangeGroup#contains
 * @function

export { RangeGroup, ComparisonModes };